The catalyst progressing all this chaos is technology.......there are blacks being beaten for decades, but w/o video of it actually happening, the world wouldn't believe it was actually happening.
Live Facebook streamlining the craziness brings the reality home to every the way, Soros started this BLM movement by backing it with hundreds of millions.
There's a reason China, N Korea, even Russia won't allow this freedom use of technology, they don't want chaos in the streets by their own people protesting.
Let's face it, the more technology gets advanced, the more destructive human beings become.
Don't be surprised in the future if there are faked videos shown that were edited to look like something that never really happened just to start protests & riots.
There's a movement/agenda around the world to cause chaos & destruction in every country.......why do they want this? Your guess is as good as mine......."All Lives Do Matter"